Set A Light 3D Studio Crack Free download for life

Set A Light 3D Studio Crack is the most incredible software tool for teaching lighting. You can plan your setups in advance using mono lamps or speed lights, as well as a variety of modifiers. It allows creative people to express themselves faster, bring their ideas to life, and takes the guesswork out of it. All this is possible – from simple portrait photography to complex photo production.

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Overview set.a.light 3D

It is a powerful software tool designed specifically for photographers and filmmakers. It provides a virtual studio in which users can plan and visualize their lighting installations in a realistic 3D space . You can experiment with different lighting scenarios, adjust the position and intensity of light sources, and see immediate results in real time.

Simple and intuitive interface

The program has a simple and intuitive interface, allowing even beginners to quickly understand its functions. The program provides an extensive library of ready-made lighting setups, props and models, making it easy to drag and drop elements into your virtual studio. The intuitive interface allows users to experiment and easily customize lighting.

Realistic lighting simulation

The program uses advanced algorithms to accurately reproduce the behavior of different light sources, taking into account factors such as intensity, color temperature and light incidence. This realistic simulation allows photographers and directors to preview lighting effects and make adjustments before filming begins, saving time and effort on set.

Extensive equipment library

The program has an extensive library of lighting equipment, including various studio lights, modifiers and accessories. This allows users to recreate hardware setups or experiment with different hardware options. Additionally, the program provides detailed specifications for each piece of equipment, allowing users to better understand how different lighting fixtures and modifiers will affect the shoot.

Customizable scenery design

In addition to lighting, the program allows users to design and customize entire decorations. You can choose from a variety of backdrops, flooring options, and props to create the perfect ambience for your shoot. Whether you’re planning a simple portrait or a complex pose, the program will allow you to unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life.

System requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 11/10/8/7
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or higher
  • RAM: 8 GB or more
  • Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 or equivalent
  • Storage: 2 GB free disk space


Set.a.light 3D is a new game for photographers and filmmakers. Its intuitive interface, realistic lighting simulation, extensive equipment library, and customizable set design capabilities make it an essential tool for planning and visualizing professional lighting installations. Whether you’re a beginner or an industry leader, it will enable you to bring your creative vision to life with confidence and precision.

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